
Dry Eye Assessments

About you
1 of 5 - 0%
Symptom Assessment

How often do you experience the following symptoms with your eyes?

  Never Sometimes Frequently Constantly
Dryness of the eyes
Burning or stinging sensation
Grittiness or sandy feeling
Sensitivity to light (photophobia)
Blurred or fluctuating vision
Excessive tearing watering of the eyes
2 / 5 - 40%
Impact on Daily Life

How much do your dry eye symptoms interfere with your daily activities?

  Never Sometimes Frequently Constantly
Driving / Driving at Night
Using Computers / Devices
Watching TV
Outdoor Activities
3 / 5 - 60%
Impact on Daily Life

Do you feel discomfort in any of the following conditions?

  Never Sometimes Frequently Constantly
Windy/Cold Weather
Places or areas with low humidity (very dry)
Areas that are air conditioned
Wearing contact lenses
4 / 5 - 80%