Dry Eye / IPL Clinic

Do you suffer from any of the following symptoms?
- Dry feeling in eyes
- Watery eyes
- Sore eyes
- Grittiness
- Blurred vision
- Redness
- Light sensitivity
- Irritation from the wind
You could have Dry Eye Syndrome.
This is one of the most common eye conditions worldwide and can potentially be caused by:
- Aging
- Windy, cold or dusty environments
- Overuse of digital devices
- Hormonal changes
- Lasik surgery
- Side effects from medications
- Smoking
- Alcohol consumption
- Medical conditions such as Blepharitis, Sjogrens Syndrome and Lupus
We know that the discomfort caused by dry eyes can have a serious impact on your quality of life. Your eyes don’t need to be your enemy. That’s why Vision Clinic offers a personalised Dry Eye Clinic in Newcastle for your convenience and peace of mind.

Feel comfortable and productive again
Get the relief you need from dry eyes with a professional assessment, diagnosis and personalised treatment plan carried out by one of our specialist optometrists and taking place in the comfort of our friendly practice. Within your 45 minute consultation, we will take the time to gain a comprehensive understanding of your medical history and assess the severity of your eye condition using OSDI (Ocular Surface Disease Index). We will then conduct a tear film assessment in order to determine a suitable and effective treatment plan.
Helping you to focus on what matters most
We offer a range of preventative treatment and management plans tailored to your lifestyle, so you no longer have to focus on your eye issues and can instead focus on the things that matter most to you. With a variety of tear solutions and lubricants available, we can help you take control of your condition so you can excel both in your social and work life. We can also provide professional advice on at-home self care regimes to reverse or manage your symptoms.
Our Dry Eye Clinic In Newcastle is open from Tuesday to Saturday. Call us on 0191 274 5385 for a personalised appointment that will leave your eyes feeling soothed and uplifted.

Relief from Dry Eye
According to the International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, MGD is most likely the leading cause of Dry Eye Disease. This workshop, along with a large body of evidence-based medicine (EBM), reports any compromise to meibomian gland function negatively impacts all aspect of ocular surface health.
Intense Pulsed Light therapy appears as a safe and efficient treatment in relieving symptoms and signs of DED-MGD eyes. No significant complications relating to IPL treatments have been observed.
- Vascular
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-microbial
- Tissue Regeneration
- Rosacea
- Telangiectasia
- Brown spots
- Wrinkles

Advanced IPL Technology
Thermal Relaxation Time
Fractionised Pulse:
security guarantee
Each pulse of ThermaeyePlus can be divided up into three pulses. These fractioned pulses allow the user of higher energy fluences during treatmeant while providing better protection of the treated skin. The user can select the duration and energy of every individual pulse and also set the pulse interval. The intelligent technology protects the skin and prevents thermal damage.
Reduced risk of thermal damage
The advanced integrated skin cooling system of the ThermaeyePlus handpiece prevents excessive temperature increases to the epidermis.
This assists with decreasing unwanted thermal side effects on the treated skin area and makes the treatment more tolerable and safer for patients.
“Maximum comfort for the patient.
Maximum safety for the operator”
Care for patients
IPL helps improve results with each treatment
Many studies confirm IPL treatment achieves a statistically significant improvement in the relief of the clinical signs and symptoms of patients affected by MGD related to DED.
Maximum benefit usually occurs after a few IPL treatment sessions.